Aufreiter Family

Photo of two bay leaves. | © SONNENTOR

A large family with its own access to a sea of flowers.

The fact that SONNENTOR Fortune Tea is produced at the Aufreiter farm is no coincidence. Back in 1985, Michaela and Johann Aufreiter began to look for their fortune in organic herbal cultivation and have found it! Lemon balm, yarrow, chocolate mint, St. John's wort, dandelion, oregano and marigolds flourish on the family farm in the Muehlviertel region. Not only do they provide the best ingredients for our Fortune Tea, but everything is done right here on their farm, from growing the herbs to the finished product.

When asked whether SONNENTOR Fortune Tea has helped the family’s fortune - the Aufreiters have six children - Michaela smiles and says, "It certainly did not harm it”. Their son Jakob is trying his hand and luck in farming and is set to take over the farm. He is currently gaining valuable knowledge from his parents who are happy to pass on their experience.

The Aufreiters are a hard-working family. In July, a time when other families enjoy a summer holiday by the sea, the Aufreiters bathe in the flowering sea of marigolds. However, they admit that this moment of happiness also means hard manual work; each flower is picked by hand, then dried and mixed with other herbs to be packaged during the winter months. After the work is done, they can dream of the warm sea of flowers, even during the cold winter months.

For those who want to know

lemon balm org.
yarrow org.
St. John´s wort org.
peppermint org.
ribwort org.
applemint org.
common mallow org.
sage org.

From the field to the pack - on the farm: