Photo of the Sonnentor incense blends. Next to it are various incense utensils. | © SONNENTOR

Let your worries go up in smoke!

Four blends for cleansing, relaxation, joy, and contemplation accompany you throughout the year. Perfect for anyone wanting to try the ancient craft of burning incense.

Our herbs and spices can be used as incense, and they unfold their active ingredients and create a homely and calm atmosphere. Discover four mixes for cleansing, relaxation, joy, and contemplation for your home. You can burn them gently on a burner or intensively with charcoal - try this ancient craft!

Tradition with a history

In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, incense was used to cleanse homes and stables, cure diseases or ward off evil spirits. Incense burning rituals are often found in connection with religious traditions. You may be familiar with the scent of frankincense and myrrh in church.

For the Celts, incense was an integral part of annual festivals, such as Candlemas, Walpurgis Night, or Rauhnacht. These turning points in the natural cycle of nature were celebrated with the burning of herbs and tree resin. Today, the art of incense burning has mostly fallen into oblivion. But in the hustle and bustle of our time, many rediscover this calming ritual. In addition, burning incense fills rooms with a pleasant smell and creates a cozy atmosphere.


A traditional incense burning process consists of three stages: cleansing, harmonising, and energising.

You can carry out the phases as described below. Above all, burning incense should bring joy and harmony. Go through as many stages as you like and grab the blends that appeal to you the most.

1. Cleansing

The first stage is the most intense one. You can use a little more incense here than in the other steps. Start your ritual with the ‘Cleansing’ mix. Burn it until the whole room is filled with smoke and fragrance. Air the room well afterwards.

2. Harmonising

The second stage is harmonisation. The ‘Relaxing’ blend works best here. Now that you have more practice with incense, you can enjoy the ritual even more. Remember to air the room afterwards.

3. Energising

For the last step, we use invigorating and stimulating herbs. You can find these in the mixes ‘Joy’ and ‘Contemplation’. This stage can be a little more intense again so that the pleasant scent stays in your rooms for a long time.


Our incense mixtures can be burned both ways, with or without charcoal.

In a bowl (intense): Place the charcoal in the middle of a fireproof bowl filled with sand or stones and light it. As soon as the charcoal has turned whitish, put one teaspoon of incense on it.

In an incense burner: Place one teaspoon of incense on the sieve of the burner and light the tea candle underneath.