5 from 5 | 8 ratings (unchecked)

Kalahari Desert Salt fine

Unrefined, unwashed Springwater Salt, uniodized
  • Salty

No more bland food. One of the oldest and most natural gourmet salts comes from the desert. It is extracted by hand from 280-million-year-old underground salt lakes in the African Kalahari Desert and then dried in the sun. Kalahari salt is full of minerals and trace elements. The favourite of many celebrity chefs brings your dishes to life.

  • Item number: 00695
  • VAT incl., plus shipping

  • 1 kg: € 17.27
Item number: 00695

VAT incl., plus shipping

1 kg: € 17.27
Instantly available
  • Kreditkarte: Visa
  • Kreditkarte: Mastercard
  • Rechnung und Vorauskasse
  • Vorauskasse
  • PayPal
  • Maestro
Kalahari Wüstensalz fein
Kalahari Desert Salt fine
vegan, vegetarian, without addition of sugar
The product fits to:
chilli con/sin carne, curry, falafel, gyros, legumes, lamb, polenta, pseudocereal
Notice for storage: Store cool and closed.

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