Photo of a packorange fruit tea loose. On the package is a picture of a man looking out of an orange.
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Orange Fruit Tea loose

Organic Fruit Tea Blend flavoured with Essential Orange Oil
  • Fruity
  • Orange
  • Acidulous
Attention, orange fans! The harmoniously fruity tea shimmers intensely red. It goes well with light baking, like fruit flan, and is also a good base for cocktails or Christmas punch. It also cuts a fine figure as an accompaniment to game dishes. An unmissable taste experience!
  • Item number: 00554
  • VAT incl., plus shipping

  • 1 kg: € 49.90
Item number: 00554

VAT incl., plus shipping

1 kg: € 49.90
Instantly available
  • Kreditkarte: Visa
  • Kreditkarte: Mastercard
  • Rechnung und Vorauskasse
  • Vorauskasse
  • PayPal
  • Maestro
rosehip org.
apple pieces org.
hibiscus org.
orange peel org. (10%)
Orange extra bio ätherisches Öl
orange sweet essential oil org.
vegan, vegetarian, without addition of salt

Steep time in minutes: max. 10 / water temperature in ° C: 100

Notice for storage: Store cool and closed.

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