Common Mallow
Organic Common Mallow
- Spinach
- Aromatic
Common or Blue Mallow - commonly also known as "cheese flower" - is exactly the right herb when the frog is stuck in the throat. Fresh like the morning dew and dry alike, this tea goes well with Japanese cuisine and lamb stews. Blue Mallow is also called “cheese flower” as its fruits are shaped like little cheese wheels. In folk medicine, they were used to cook a strengthening paste called "Papperl" (German) that was used to nourish and strenghen weak people.
Amount: 18 double chamber bag à 1.5 g
common mallow org.
vegan, without garlic, without yeast, vegetarian, without addition of salt
Ingredient(s) is grown by/in:
To ensure availability for you in the event of crop failures and delivery bottlenecks, the ingredients can also come from another farmer or growing project.
Steep time in minutes: 5-10 / water temperature in °C: 100
Notice for storage:
Store cool and closed.
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